Foundation's Goals & Activities





Mission Statement

Gas Emissions Reductions


Multi Dimensional Approach

Sustainable Economic Development Projects

UNDP Goals

Waste Management

Energy Carbon Credits

Energy Carbon Credits



Facts of Life

Climate Change is real? Of course. The motivation to do something about it on a personal basis from the very human companies executives is also real. Those executives do also have clear responsibilities to the also legally living entity that their company represents. That is also real and yes those other living entities do not have grandkids. The climate change actions will occur one way or the other: young generations will rebel enough that real actions will be taken or the system will offer a way to make money out of it. Probably a mix of at least those two things. Carbon fees for creating CO2 equivalents are now being considered all over the world. We all know how speeding tickets do have an impact on all of us speeding but the cost can never be enough with so much potential lobbying money. What if you were getting money for following speed limits? Of course a lot more of us would embrace this option. Why would it be different for un-emotional non-human based corporations? Profits driven corporations will choose the options to make income from backing up reducing GHG emissions projects every time. Those inhuman legal entities will choose a carbon credits valued at $25-50usd/ton eq. CO2, if it reduces their exposure to a carbon tax. Duh says Homer. The world can choose: the stick or the carrot. We all know how the prohibition worked out in the 30’s. Let financial instruments like futures on carbons credit evolve as they could and will. The next few, very few years are key. What we do now, not in 5 years in relation to methane emissions, will impact our kids and grandkids and all humanity. Many low capital influx capital solutions exists: let's implement as many as possible. But most of all: money can be made from reversing climate change. Bring money in the equation, it will work. Most finance people do have kids and yes most of them love them. They also have responsibilities to your pensions funds... everything works in symbiosis, like the planet we are all killing. Why not apply this symbiosis to the solution?!

Climate Change stuff the next 10 years: If the last 15/20 years were all about online "stuff", the next 10+ years is/will be the "climate change stuff". Climate Change solutions will happen when money will be made on it. The oil industry still has a while to phase out. It is a vested interests situation and that is reality. But just like some CEO's of train companies did not get that they were in the transportation business and did not switch to the car business and died, some oil companies do not understand they are not in the oil business but the energy business! And that business is now from wind farms to EV cars to yes! Carbon credits for reducing GHG emissions. Methane and CO2 equivalents are "energy stuff". Profiting from carbon credits is very possible while on the path of achieving carbon zero.

Budgets & Results with Tech easy implementations: In terms of governments acting with fiscal responsibility towards their tax payers only the rich countries can afford to say let's switch to all zero carbon industries. Budgets for poorer countries are limited. Let's not be naive. Poorer countries can and will start with the proper out of the box ingenuity offering solutions not only for themselves but solution that will be duplicated worldwide! Despite the best intentions to combat GHG emissions, the answer is not to build 50 000 carbon catching high cost capital plants! Who will pay for those? Where are the financial incentives? Lofty goals will not achieve urgent changes to be implemented by 2030! So back to the still relevant old saying in our capitalistic economies: money talks, bullshit walks. The Fund will be looking at solutions and technologies that can be implemented at low capital costs in very little time. Solutions that can be duplicated in the thousands, scaled up and down and portable.

Waste 2 Energy Plants… NOT! Waste to Energy plants are not the answer everywhere and every time. In a researcher’s laboratory it might be the most efficient way to transform wastes, but what about the costs of building the plant that goes with it? $20M to $50Musd at least. Governments from developing countries do not have such funds in their back pockets. Solutions exists that will reduce for example GHG emissions from old landfills completely but in a 75% efficient way if compared to the waste to energy plant, and it will achieve that result for 20% of the capital. The Fund will be investing in those solutions and technologies that can be implemented with reasonable budgets and achieving sustainability and profitability.

Players & the Game: Investors can expect the Fund to only invest in Projects in the Climate change/Environment sector that will be sustainable and profitable. The Executive Body has confidence in achieving this by positioning together the following elements:

Sustainable Projects: The financial outlook for Projects for this sector of participations is long term. Projects should be looking at sustainability to be achieved from a 6 to12 month’s period and further; and profitability from a 12 to 24 month’s period. As such returns on participations are expected to be 1 to 3 years from the start of funding. Participation to carbon credits depending on the value of the market can have a large impact on the profitability of Projects. Based on already analyzed solutions and technologies a return on capital of 25% at the 24 months mark is planned; an annual return on capital of a minimum of 15% is planned after that for future years.

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