The cities of Edinet & Cupcini in the Republic of Moldova will have their actives municipal landfills treated starting this spring. An Enzymes Solutions Technology will be implemented to bio-remediate all organics complemented by a complete sorting of all cleaned recyclables. The Technology to be used is an Enzymes Process changing all of the dynamics of regular composting. The time frame for normal composting is usually from 60-120 days, with regular turning being required. This Technology Enzymes Process bio-degrade the organics down within 14 days while generating valuable liquid and solid fertilizers. Despite the fact this process occurs in an anaerobic environment no gas emissions are generated. The first phase of the projects will focus on fresh weekly trash transported to the sites. The Foundation will be rightly focused on auditing the gas emissions or lack thereof during the bioremediation process and the financial aspects in relation to Carbon Credits in the short and long terms values.

Sewage facilities in the Republic of Moldova

The Foundation is working closely with a private Moldovan company that has identify 5 small municipalities that would be the first to have treatment on site of their toxic sludge waste with the implementation of a Technology that does not require the construction of any plant and eliminates all future gas emissions. The Foundation is focused on participating in the financing of the projects with the government Ministries and relevant utility companies of Moldova. This financing is the last piece of the puzzle to begin the first phase implementation.


The Foundation is working on establishing a strategic plan involving multiple players in achieving sustainable farming for fruits farmers and the small processing facilities that turn their crop into packaged dried fruits. The plan includes the bioremediation of manure from local dairy farms into organic fertilizers to be used by the growers. This step would eliminate the need of chemical fertilizers hence eliminating the CO2 equivalent needed to create those fertilizers on top of eliminating the contamination they represent for rivers. The package dried fruits would then qualify as organic quality products and be able to fetch better export prices for the farmers and packaging facilities. This increase in profits could then be used to purchase emissions free or at least energy efficient machinery than the currently used by the facilities, including solar and wind generating power equipment. This project answers directly several Sustainable Goals of the UNDP from poverty and clean water to climate change impact. The Foundation is focused on bringing together the players to the project and establishing the specific procedures in order to duplicate this project many times over. The Technology has been identified and is scalable up and down and easily portable with very low starting costs.


Wineries create their fair share of waste. Many countries in Eastern Europe have very developed wine industries that are important to their economy. Large scale demonstrations of a Technology treating those wastes have been identified by the Foundation. The Foundation has identified several wineries very interested by the use of this Technology in order to respond to the existing regulations of agricultural wastes slowly being enforced. Membership to the EU has its price. The creation of organic fertilizers would eliminate chemical fertilizers usage again eliminating the indirect gas emissions they represent; an increase of profits for the wineries and the possible reinvestments into renewable energy equipment for the wines processing facilities would see a total decrease in gas emissions; on top of potentially making those wines organic grades and more valuable. The Foundation focus is to implement a large scale demonstration and establish specific procedures in order to duplicate this project many times over.

Energy Plants

The city of Chisinau in the Republic of Moldova has accumulated large amount of sludge generated by its sewage facilities over many decades. This sludge is currently producing serious gas emissions. An auditing process has to be established in order to tap into the Offset Carbon Credits since Moldova is not a member of the EU. The Foundation is focused on creating partnership for the financing of low costs plants that will transform this waste into valuable energy for the Republic and its citizens. Potential financing partners can include oil companies looking for some black for their Carbon Zero implementation Plans or maybe crypto currency mining companies looking for green options.

Proteins Farming-Insects

The Foundation is focused to create a first prototype of an insects farming facility taking advantage of the low cost of labor and industrial real estate for the sole purpose of animal feed exports. This project reduces the gas emissions from direct and indirect sources that large scale corn farming represent in the cattle farming industry. This project would have a direct impact on the employment and tax base for still developing countries of Eastern Europe with small input starting capital. Remember we do have 1.5 billion cows to feed on the planet.

Recycled Plastics Processing Small Plants

Technologies and equipment already exist that will process many of the municipal plastics waste. This equipment is available and can be scalable up and down in relation to volume. The idea to build a large waste to energy plant to do so is financially irresponsible. Small scale equipment and facilities serving 20 to 30 000 population and their landfills is appropriate. The recyclable plastics can be used to make bricks to pavers to roof tiles to beams to furniture and countertops. The Foundation is focused on financing the equipment with local partners and take advantage of low labor costs and industrial real estate. This project reduces the gas emission from direct and indirect sources that the equivalent products represent in their manufacture. This project would have a direct impact on the employment and tax base for still developing countries of Eastern Europe with small input starting capital.

Carbon Credits Auditing

The Offset Carbon Credits need expertise in order to expand outside of the highly regulated markets like the EU. Gas Emissions obviously occurs outside of the EU. Underdeveloped countries are missing on those increasingly valuable Credits, while they are the ones that need them the most in financing their Climate Change Actions. Expertise and equipment with the proper acceptance of licensing by different financial platforms trading in the Offset markets are a necessity for the developing countries to implement their Climate Change plans. The highly educated academics with all the proper expertise speaking the cultural language of Eastern Europe should establish those auditing entities. The Foundation is focused on assembling such people and financing the equipment and licensing necessary to create regional expertise necessary for the region to tap into the Offset markets. The current costs for such audit from the EU are costs prohibitive for lower income Eastern Europe.

Heavy Metals Removal

Technologies already exist that are scalable up and down and adaptable to the specific heavy metals a community wants to remove from their sewage facilities or lakes and rivers. The Foundation has identified such technologies and is focused on offering the financing for the local manufacture of such equipment. This project can become profitable once it is duplicated for different locations and rightly exportable to other underdeveloped countries directly or under license. This project does not directly have an impact on gas emissions reduction but indirectly because it may be a necessary complement to other project that do like sludge treatment projects. But since heavy metals almost anywhere are a bad thing for human health we think it is still a good idea by itself.

Algae Bioremediation & Farming

With the increase of overall sea temperature, the planet has seen an increase in the blooming of algae invading beaches and ports. The foundation has identified Technologies that could potentially bio-remediate such invasions at low costs. The Foundation is focused on financing with other entities experimentations and demonstration of efficiency of those Technologies.
Studies show that certain species of algae have the abilities when added to the feed of cattle to greatly reduce the amount of methane generated by the digestive system of those animals through belching. The Foundation would like to explore the possibilities of algae farming in the Eastern European region or way further if not possible. The net effect on Climate Change of the belched methane from our cattle is equivalent to 15% of all the methane emissions every year, worth some efforts. Of course other type of feed additives production that will still have an effect on the reduction of belched methane will be considered taken into account the geography of Eastern Europe.

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